Prarambh - How it all began

Het Joshi

15 August 2024

1 min

Prarambh - How it all began


I’m Het Joshi, the founder of Mukti, and I’m thrilled to welcome you all to this journey of learning, collaboration, and innovation. Mukti was born out of a simple idea: to create a space where students like us could dive deep into the world of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and explore the vast landscape of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, networks, and much more.

Today on the 78th Independence Day of India, It’s my honor to release our official Mukti website. I would also take this oppurtunity to talk about my vision with which I founded Mukti and lead its operations.

When I founded Mukti, I had a vision of building a community that isn’t confined to the walls of a classroom or limited by a curriculum. I wanted to provide a platform where students could work on real-world projects, share knowledge, and develop skills that go beyond textbooks. Mukti is that platform.

I want this to be a workbench where anyone can come and build their projects or find FOSS solutions to their problems.

Our mission is simple: empower students through collaboration and open source. We believe that the best way to learn is by doing, and Mukti is all about hands-on experience. Whether it’s contributing to a FOSS project, organizing workshops, or speaking at national and international forums, we aim to push the boundaries of what students can achieve.

But Mukti is more than just a community—it’s a movement. Supported by organizations like Foss United, and with the backing of our other Partners, Mukti has grown to become the largest FOSS community in Karnataka, with over 650 members across various branches in Shivamogga, Durgapur, and beyond. This is just the beginning.

I invite each one of you to be a part of this journey. Choose a project, collaborate and work in any domain of your choise! there’s a place for you here. Let’s work together to build something incredible.

Thank you for being here, and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together.

In solidarity,
Het Joshi
Founder, Mukti